Sunday, February 19, 2012

Welcome to Hau'ula 2nd Ward's Provident Living Blog!

From the ancient Greek storyteller, Aesop, comes a fable about the ant and the grasshopper, which illustrates in a very simple way the principle of provident living. In time of plenty, the grasshopper took no thought for what he might need when the winter came. But the ant worked busily, preparing and providing for a time when food would not be so plentiful. The ant could look to the future with confidence, while the grasshopper—if he thought about the future at all—could only hope for the best.

But living providently is more than just putting aside food for future need. It encompasses all areas of life. If we want to face the future with confidence and peace of mind, we must prepare ourselves in six areas: literacy and education, career development, financial and resource management, home production and storage, physical health, and social-emotional and spiritual strength. When we strive to prepare in each of these areas, we can enjoy peace of mind as we face the uncertainties of the future.

Ensign, Sept. 1987

We would love to have all of our ward members contribute ideas and inspiration on provident living to this blog.  President Deiter F. Uchdorf said "Whether we are rich or poor, regardless of where we live on this globe, we all need each other, for it is in sacrificing our time, talents, and resources that our spirits mature and become refined."  If you have something to contribute, please friend Jessica Cornelison on facebook to get the information needed to do so.  Lets all work together, so that no one is left shivering in the snow like our grasshopper friend!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Wonder Box

Aloha Everyone! You might be wondering, what on earth is a wonder box? A wonder box is a heat retention cooker. After you bring your food to a boil, (so it is heated throughout) using any number of cooking methods, you remove it from the heat source and quickly place the pot inside the wonder box.
The insulation of the wonder box will slow your food’s loss of heat keeping at cooking temperatures for hours. Using a wonder box reduces the amount of fuel needed to cook your meal because the fuel that would normally be used to keep your food at cooking temperatures after it has started boiling is eliminated.  You can cook anything in a wonderbox that you can in a crock pot.

Seeing as I live off-the-grid, and don't generate enough solar electricity to run a crock pot, I am really excited to try this simple project!  But you should be too, because it can save you lots of money on your electric bill, and prepare you for cooking in emergencies!

Find complete instructions for making a wonder box here: