Friday, May 25, 2012

Food Storage - Week 5 Record Keeping & Water Storage

Now that you have shopped and labeled your packaging it’s time to get your record keeping started. You can do this any way that works for you. A word doc, a spread sheet or a list on the cupboard door. The important thing is to start now, at the beginning. Record the items you have purchased and the number of each item. Do not use any of these items until you have a complete three month supply. Go ahead and as you make your record keeping sheet add all the ingredients from your top 10 meals. You will be buying them soon. We will add more items in the next few days so leave room to add new ingredients and supplies.

Also add to your inventory list:

Toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, wetting solution, shaving cream, razors, after shave, feminine hygiene products, lotion, bath and hand soap, and facial tissues.

Another Food Storage Project Day

We have talked about food and other necessities but we have yet to talk about the most important item. Water. Today is the day to store water. Check your home for places to store and also for ways to store. Save your old bleach bottles as you finish using the bleach. Fill them with water. If you have empty canning jars fill them with water. Print and study the article at Totally Ready. com and begin today.

The need for liquids is even more important to survival than the need for food. Today as you think about this part of food storage add juices and water to your inventory list. This need is another reason it is important to store canned foods. The liquid from canned green beans can be used to cook pasta. The juice from canned fruits can be used to cook oatmeal or cream of wheat. This need is also the reason I do not like dehydrated or freeze dried foods except in very small amounts. They need to be reconstituted and if they are not they will cause dehydration when you consume them.

Many of us get our water from sources far from our homes. These can be interrupted by a natural disaster hundreds of miles away. So today, prepare to store water.

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